I created this gluten-free yellow cake recipe in order to make a Gluten-Free Boston Cream Pie. Oh my – my fave! And if you make a large batch of my Gluten-Free Cake Flour Blend, then this is so easy to make! Of course, there are tons of things you can do with a gluten-free yellow cake, and I’m sure you already have your favorite in mind. You can add any type of filling or frosting. Enjoy!

Update: If you do not have the ability to order superfine rice flour like the one called for in my cake flour blend recipe, consider making my Copycat Betty Crocker Gluten Free Yellow Cake Mix.

Gluten-Free Yellow Cake

Yield: Serves 10

A delicious gluten free yellow cake recipe made dairy-free, if desired. It makes an awesome gluten free Boston Cream Pie that is also dairy-free.


  • 2 cups Carla's Gluten-free Cake Flour Blend (I used the sorghum blend; better color using all rice flour)
  • 1 cup + 2 tablespoons granulated sugar (or evaporated cane juice)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/3 cup oil (extra virgin olive oil, grape seed, vegetable, canola, etc.)
  • 1 cup milk (cow's, almond, any high protein milk), room temperature or 80°F
  • 3 jumbo (extra large) eggs (3/4 cup), at room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • Superfine white or brown rice flour, for dusting


  1. Heat oven to 350°F.
  2. Generously oil and dust with superfine rice flour, two 8" or 9" round cake pans; set aside.
  3. In the bowl of your mixer cream together sugar and eggs on low speed until just blended.
  4. Add oil and vanilla; beat on high for a few seconds, just until blended.
  5. Add milk, flour and salt alternately while beating on medium speed just until smooth. Scrape sides as needed.
  6. Pour into two round pans and even the tops out because if you do not your cake will be lopsided.
  7. Bake for about 20-23 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  8. Remove from oven and cool for 10-15 minutes; shake cake loose from pan if is stuck to the bottom by rotating the pan and shaking it with two hands.
  9. Remove from pans by turning it upside down onto your hand and then transferring it, down side down, onto a cooling rack. Cool completely.


If you wish to experiment, I would add in one extra egg yolk to make it more yellow. It's a bit on the tan side because of the sorghum flour mostly, not to mention the brown rice flour.

Gluten Free Recipes Admin

View Comments

  • Can melted coconut oil be used instead of one of the oils listed in this recipe?

    • Valerie,

      You can use coconut oil as a substitution in any baking. You just need to sure that if the oil is warm, you allow it to cool without hardening. Hot or warm oil combined with eggs, may cook/scramble the eggs. Therefore, temper the eggs, by adding the oil slowly when it is slightly warm.


  • did anyone else have this cake turn out a little cornbready? I don't do eggs so I used two ener-g egg replacers and two flax seed "eggs." I think it might have been the flax seeds, but I wasn't sure if the sorghum had that effect for anyone either.

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