By: Carla Spacher
Once antibodies were discovered as a way of testing for celiac disease, it opened up an entirely new way of assessing the data found in celiac disease research. Dr. Alessio Fasano, Medical Director for University of Maryland School of Medicine (update 2015 – now at the Massachusetts General Hospital), reported that, previously, doctors had to diagnose celiac disease based upon the patient’s symptoms; biopsy of the gut to confirm inflammation; and whether a gluten-free diet provided any relief. However, as is with any autoimmune disease, Dr. Fasano warns that just screening for antibodies against gluten is not a definitive diagnosis because anyone can carry this antibody who does not necessarily have celiac disease. Celiac Disease research continues and we are learning new things every day. Learn more about celiac disease, ongoing research and about the roles of probotics and the appendix. Continue reading “Celiac Disease and Probiotics”