Gluten Free Smoky Venison Stew Recipe

Image: Gluten Free Venison Stew

With deer hunting coming to an end, at least in California, I thought I would share this amazing gluten free smoky venison stew recipe with you. I never used to eat venison until I developed this recipe. I created it in honor of Wright’s Liquid Smoke’s upcoming venison easy to enter contest where they will reveal three additional smoky venison recipes and giveaway a huge gift certificate. (Stay tuned in for details next week.) Because venison can be taste gamy, searing the meat covers the gamy flavor, as does smoked paprika and liquid smoke. If you happen to have some venison in your freezer (deer hunters often give some away), I hope you enjoy this recipe. (Wright’s Liquid Smoke is gluten-free.) Continue reading “Gluten Free Smoky Venison Stew Recipe”