Gluten Free Cornbread for Stuffing or Dessert

Moist Gluten Free Cornbread

Last year I had a request for a good gluten free cornbread stuffing recipe, but I hadn’t created a gluten free cornbread recipe, and never got around to it. So, this year, it is my top priority. Once you have a good gluten free cornbread recipe you can make any stuffing recipe you choose using that gluten free cornbread. Preferably it should be a soft, absorbable one. This recipe is more of a cake-style cornbread recipe, however, you can adjust it to create a more traditional gluten free cornbread for stuffing.

I love the dessert version. I think my hubby’s favorite foods are stuffing and cornbread, and he was in heaven with this gluten free corn bread recipe this morning, and he’s not 100% gluten free! With the adjustments above, hubby says it tastes just like cornbread. Enjoy! Continue reading “Gluten Free Cornbread for Stuffing or Dessert”

Gluten Free Chocolate Cake Recipe with Caramel Sauce and Nuts

I get a lot of requests for a gluten free chocolate cake recipe. And I had run across a recipe for caramel sauce which made me think of a cake recipe my sister used to make. It had a caramel-like sauce and walnuts placed beneath a chocolate cake batter in a bundt pan. Often some of the caramel and nuts would stick to the pan, but it was so so good! I wanted to convert this to a gluten free chocolate cake recipe, but she has lost the recipe. I’m sure she’ll find it one day but stored it away once the caramel sauce wasn’t turning out right. She thinks the corn syrup is made differently nowadays. Continue reading “Gluten Free Chocolate Cake Recipe with Caramel Sauce and Nuts”

Dairy Free Corn Free Gluten Free Caramel Sauce

To make this gluten free caramel sauce, it took me 4 tries. I created 2 different recipes with 2 different cooking methods, and finally, the last one was a charm! Two I had to toss, but the one that was too thick I ended up using anyway. It wasn’t that bad but on its way to candy! If you have allergies or other intolerances, this recipe should fit the bill! This gluten free caramel sauce will work well on ice cream or for cakes and pies. Enjoy! Continue reading “Dairy Free Corn Free Gluten Free Caramel Sauce”

Gluten Free Pumpkin Pancakes

Gluten Free Pumpkin Pancakes

These gluten free pumpkin pancakes are perfect for this time of year, whether served in October or for a Thanksgiving breakfast or brunch. I always make my banana pancakes with white rice flour and no gum at all, but with the bananas, you do not taste any grittiness and these definitely needed a bit of xanthan or guar gum. When I used regular white rice flour in this gluten free pumpkin pancakes recipe, I did notice some grittiness. I suggest trying sorghum flour or oat flour instead. And because it contains no starches, superfine rice flours should work well, too. Meanwhile, these were delicious anyway! Enjoy!

Continue reading “Gluten Free Pumpkin Pancakes”

Gluten Free Coffee Cake – Strawberry or Cinnamon Swirl

I was planning on improving my cinnamon roll recipe today, but it dawned on me that I could make one huge cinnamon roll by making a gluten free coffee cake. Then things took off from there and I used strawberry jam instead of a brown sugar and cinnamon filling. You can use either and I have included the recipe for the cinnamon filling. This is a light, cake-like texture and weight. For a heavier gluten free coffee cake use less milk. Enjoy! Continue reading “Gluten Free Coffee Cake – Strawberry or Cinnamon Swirl”

Gluten-Free Snacks: Spiced Nuts or Agave Candied Spiced Nuts

With the holidays soon approaching you may find these gluten-free snack recipes will come in handy. It’s definitely less expensive than purchasing canned nuts. These spiced nuts make a great everyday gluten-free snack, as well. Use your favorite nuts. I would have definitely added some macadamia nuts, but I was out. You can change the spices to fit your tastes, as well. For Halloween, use allspice, pumpkin spice, and cinnamon with pumpkin seeds! Mix up your gluten-free snacks with mixed nuts. Check out the two recipe versions below and have fun! Continue reading “Gluten-Free Snacks: Spiced Nuts or Agave Candied Spiced Nuts”

Gluten Free Hummus

mmuHummus is naturally gluten free, however, adding a wrong ingredient can send someone with a high gluten-intolerance into a world spin. This gluten free hummus is sweetened with pineapple juice and vinegar (due to my citrus allergies) rather than lemon juice, but feel free to use either. Hummus does not keep well. Therefore, ensure its refrigeration as soon as possible. I made some homemade gluten-free tortilla chips which was a wonderful compliment to this gluten-free hummus, as they were nice and spicy! Enjoy! Continue reading “Gluten Free Hummus”

Gluten Free Yellow Cake

I created this gluten-free yellow cake recipe in order to make a Gluten-Free Boston Cream Pie. Oh my – my fave! And if you make a large batch of my Gluten-Free Cake Flour Blend, then this is so easy to make! Of course, there are tons of things you can do with a gluten-free yellow cake, and I’m sure you already have your favorite in mind. You can add any type of filling or frosting. Enjoy!

Update: If you do not have the ability to order superfine rice flour like the one called for in my cake flour blend recipe, consider making my Copycat Betty Crocker Gluten Free Yellow Cake Mix.

Continue reading “Gluten Free Yellow Cake”

Chili Macaroni Casserole: Gluten Free Hamburger Helper Style Recipe

Image: Gluten Free Hamburger Helper Style Chili Casserole

Since gluten free Hamburger Helper (actually named “Helper”) will no longer exist once all sold, I thought some of you may appreciate a gluten-free hamburger helper style recipe. As of the date of this recipe, I’ve read all over the internet that some of the old Helper may still be on shelves, but it is best to read the labels and be aware that the newer packages contain the statement, “May contain wheat”. Enjoy this homemade gluten free hamburger helper style recipe, just like you used to! Continue reading “Chili Macaroni Casserole: Gluten Free Hamburger Helper Style Recipe”