Gluten Free Porcupine Meatballs Without Tomatoes

Gluten-free Porcupines

My mother-in-law used to make porcupine meatballs in a red sauce. All her kids miss it so much, especially my husband. Because of my tomato allergies I decided to see if a similar recipe would work with a brown gravy. This is naturally gluten free, but you need to be careful to use gluten-free ingredients in the sauce, which I explain below. Mom used to use instant white rice, many people use uncooked long grain white rice. I used cooked brown rice, as I had some left over already in the frig. Brown gravy just does not have any flavor unless you make it from some sort of meat base or fat. I didn’t have any meat fat on hand and decided to spice up the roux (flour and butter mixture) with a little sauteed onion. It worked pretty good! Blending it in the food processor made a flavorful, creamy brown gravy. Enjoy! Continue reading “Gluten Free Porcupine Meatballs Without Tomatoes”

Gluten Free Cheese Sauce

Broccoli Potato with Gluten Free Cheese Sauce

Many months ago I posted a recipe for broccoli stuffed potato with cheese sauce, but the file became corrupted and it disappeared! Someone asked me to republish it. The most important part of the recipe is the gluten free cheese sauce which you can use to make macaroni and cheese or add atop a baked potato, broccoli or cauliflower. It is also the base for cheese soup. You can add pieces of cooked broccoli to the top of a baked potato and pour on the cheese sauce. I changed the recipe a bit, as I have experimented with a few different versions now. I hope you enjoy this one! It’s a great way to get kids to eat their veggies! Continue reading “Gluten Free Cheese Sauce”

Quick Gluten Free Phyllo Dough – Gluten Free Filo Dough

Image: Gluten Free Phyllo Dough

This gluten free phyllo dough recipe (or gluten free filo dough) is so easy to make compared to traditional recipes! Fortunately, for those of us on a gluten-free diet, we finally have an advantage in baking without gluten. Gluten is not our friend in attempting to create a flaky crust. Flakiness is what is needed in phyllo dough. This is my first attempt at creating a gluten free phyllo dough recipe. I began with my tart crust recipe and made it more flaky and crispy. Phyllo dough can be used with sweet or savory fillings, such as pastries, croissants, meats or cheese fillings and more. Yum, right? For a filling I used gluten-free custard which I use in my gluten-free cream puffs and for crème brûlée. What will you use for a filling? The crust turned out flakier than any crust I have ever made! I was so pleased. All those interviews with all of those gluten-free experts and chefs really really paid off. One of my Facebook fans stated that this pastry dough turns out an amazing pie crust. Enjoy and be creative! Continue reading “Quick Gluten Free Phyllo Dough – Gluten Free Filo Dough”

Mashed Gluten Free Sweet Potato Recipe

Image: Gluten Free Mashed Sweet Potatoes

This gluten free sweet potato recipe was made from an error. My husband went grocery shopping. Big mistake! Huge! I asked him to pick up some sweet potatoes for my mashed sweet potato recipe and neglected to tell him I wanted the red ones. He came back with yellow sweet potatoes, a cross between a regular potato and red sweet potatoes or yams. The yellow ones are not as sweet and I could not use them in the recipe I had in mind. I had to find a use for them. Oh well, yet another challenge for a new recipe, gluten-free, of course! Continue reading “Mashed Gluten Free Sweet Potato Recipe”

Yeast-Free Gluten Free Focaccia Bread

Image: Gluten Free Focaccia on a plate

This gluten free focaccia bread is commercial yeast-free. If you are allergic to yeast you may try substituting the apple cider vinegar with a bit of 1/4 teaspoon of cream of tartar. I haven’t tried it myself, but any high acidic ingredient will do, lemon juice, etc. This is a hearty recipe, much like regular focaccia. If you’re looking for something lighter, which contains yeast, try my newest Gluten Free Focaccia Bread Recipe. Meanwhile, enjoy!

Continue reading “Yeast-Free Gluten Free Focaccia Bread”

Gluten Free Chicken Salad Recipe

I usually prefer chicken breasts, in gluten free chicken salad sandwiches, but I had a little left over dark meat chicken on hand, and because it was dark meat every time I looked at it, it reminded me of turkey. I then began to crave one of my old favorites, turkey, cream cheese and cranberry sauce sandwiches, which I have not had in years. But I usually like to eat a bit lighter than that for lunch, especially with all the appetizers I tested recently. Greek yogurt makes a great low-fat substitute for cream cheese, as well as mayonnaise, in sandwiches. Since I had dried cranberries on hand makes this recipe came close to my old favorite, but I added in a little feta cheese, which wasn’t really noticeable, but added flavor. A little added celery, walnuts and a touch of agave syrup did the trick! Get creative and make your own adjustments to this easy recipe. Perhaps some onion. What will you use? Continue reading “Gluten Free Chicken Salad Recipe”

Pecan Stuffed Snow Peas with Creamy Smoked Filling

Image: Gluten Free Appetizer: Stuffed Snow Peas

The holidays are almost upon us which has inspired me greatly in creating new recipes, but specifically these stuffed snow peas. Besides using these as appetizers they are a great way to get your kids to eat vegetables, too! If you use cream cheese, of course, they will not be dairy-free, but there are alternatives you can use nowadays. If you have a nut allergy you can skip the nuts and fill them just with the cream cheese filling. This stuffed snow peas appetizer is one of the best appetizers I have ever had, but of course they contain many of my favorite ingredients! All this and they’re gluten-free!

Continue reading “Pecan Stuffed Snow Peas with Creamy Smoked Filling”

Savory Fruit Salad: Mango and Dried Cherry

Gluten-free Mango Fruit Salad

Of course this fruit salad is gluten free, but it does not take special ingredients to make this recipe. It is fast to make, yet elegant to serve, with proper garnishes. October is mango season where I live in California. Perhaps the season is different where you are. Mangos tend to be overlooked during the fall, as many of our favorite fruits go out of season. I love the fall color of mangos, as well as their flavor. I hope you, and possibly your guests, enjoy this savory fruit salad recipe. My husband is not big on fruit salad, but he really enjoyed this one (probably because of the cherries!) Have fun and enjoy! Continue reading “Savory Fruit Salad: Mango and Dried Cherry”