Gluten-free dieters and everyone else should learn the truth about milk. I have had the desire to write about the subject of milk for some time now. I have received emails suggesting drinking camel’s milk, asking why soy milk is bad for us, and most recently, why so many gluten-free recipes call for almond milk, coconut milk or other milk substitute rather than just plain old lactose-free milk. I cover many milk and milk substitutes below and what you should know them. Continue reading “Cow’s Milk and Milk Substitutes”
Celiac: Foods to Avoid
If you have been diagnosed with celiac disease, you would do best to eat natural foods, free of chemicals, preservatives, additives and other artificial ingredients, as some of these ingredients are sources of hidden gluten and are unhealthy for us all.
Link Between Celiac Disease and MSG
There is a theory that MSG is unsafe for celiac patients. It certainly has been proven that MSG increases the risk for autism. In addition, it has been discovered that most individuals who report having a reaction to MSG also report a sensitivity to wheat. There are many foods and ingredients that those with celiac disease should not consume. One would think that rice milk would be safe, but all brands are not gluten-free. Read the information below to find out more about unsafe foods for those with celiac individuals and more. Continue reading “Celiac: Foods to Avoid”