Is Psyllium Husk Powder – Seeds Gluten Free?

Image: Psyllium Husk Seeds

Psyllium husk, powder and whole seeds, are gluten free. Due to the sudden popularity of its use as a replacement for xanthan and guar gums, I wanted to ensure that those with gluten intolerance are using products which are truly gluten free. (By the way, you can use some psyllium husk along with flax and chia seeds.) I had purchased some of Now Foods’ Psyllium Husk Powder about a year ago to experiment with the ingredients in Rudi’s gluten free bread. The use of psyllium husk is to prevent digestive blockage that some experience with gums. The whole psyllium husk seeds work better than the powder. It all depends upon what you want your final product to look like. Continue reading “Is Psyllium Husk Powder – Seeds Gluten Free?”