Lower Gluten = Higher Price?

As you may have already read, the FDA has reopened commenting on gluten-free labeling. Because so many people do not have the time to go through the entire list of extremely long documents, or may not understand it, 1in133 has published answers to FAQs and a letter that you can sign which will be forwarded to the FDA. If the FDA requires lower levels for gluten-free labeling, will this effect pricing of gluten-free products? And if so, will this effect our economy? Continue reading “Lower Gluten = Higher Price?”

Gluten Free Labeling: FDA Reopens Commenting

What exciting news! Our voices have been heard loud and clear. The FDA has not only reopen the docket on gluten-free labeling, but has opened up the communication line, as well. Those with celiac disease, gluten intolerance or gluten sensitivity, along with manufacturers and more, may add their 2 cents in, so that the FDA has literally heard all of our voices. Learn where to communicate your opinions on gluten-free labeling and how this all came about. Continue reading “Gluten Free Labeling: FDA Reopens Commenting”

New Gluten-Free Certification Label!

There are several organizations that provide a gluten-free certification program in order for manufacturers to affix gluten-free labels on their products. However, there is a new kid on the block in the U.S.! The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness (NFCA), along with Quality Assurance International (QAI), have launched a new gluten-free certification program, requiring less than 10 ppm (parts per million) gluten. The FDA’s proposed amount has been 20 ppm. Continue reading “New Gluten-Free Certification Label!”

Gluten Cross-Contamination

I write this as a reference for those new to the gluten-free diet, but especially for those who have high intolerances to gluten, such as those with celiac disease and allergies to wheat. Gluten cross-contamination refers to food that has come in contact with gluten (wheat, rye and barley). However, oats are often listed as a glutenous product, though they are not when they 100% oats, because they often contain high amounts gluten. Continue reading “Gluten Cross-Contamination”

New Food Allergens Labeling Laws in Canada: including gluten and sulphites

Image: Canadian Flag


On February 16, 2011, Health Canada will publish amendments to the 2008 proposed allergen labeling laws (actually, regulations), on prepackaged foods, requiring additional allergens to be disclosed.  This will highly affect those with celiac disease and gluten sensitivities, as well as those with food allergies and a sulphite sensitivity, effecting 1.75 million Canadians.  Since Canada is making many new gluten-free products, citizens from other countries may also be interested in this information.  The new regulations go into affect on August 4, 2012.  The previous regulations were published in the Canada Gazette Part I and the newer regulations will be posted in the Canada Gazette Part II.  See the summary of the changes below. Continue reading “New Food Allergens Labeling Laws in Canada: including gluten and sulphites”