Best Gluten Free White Cake Recipe

Slice of Gluten Free White Cake
I’ve probably made eight different white cake recipes with the goal of creating the perfect wedding cake. I finally created the best gluten free white cake recipe I could imagine. It’s perfect! Each layer is high, flat, sturdy enough to cover with fondant, yet light enough to not be like pound cake. It’s tender and flavorful as well. See the Tips section on how to make half of a three-layer cake;; buttermilk version or regular.

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Cinnamon Ice Cream or Cinnamon Gelato

Homemade Cinnamon Gelato

We recently stayed at the Hyatt Carmel Highlands Inn overlooking Big Sur. Their Sunset Lounge served me the biggest surprise ever, homemade cinnamon ice cream! It was absolutely delicious! I never thought of it before but after tasting it, I knew I had to create a cinnamon ice cream recipe for everyone to make at home. Choose between cinnamon gelato and cinnamon ice cream. Enjoy! Continue reading “Cinnamon Ice Cream or Cinnamon Gelato”

Gluten Free Blueberry Recipes – Puff Pastry Danish or Pie (Gum-Free)

Gluten Free Blueberry Danish Pies Using Puff Pastry Dough (Gum-Free)

Lately, I’ve been making gluten free blueberry recipes. I just love them all of a sudden and they are full of antioxidants! This is my latest installment. I also link to all of my other blueberry recipes. Meanwhile, this pie or pastry, if you wish, is what my gluten-eating husband described as “the best blueberry pie I’ve ever had!” He considers himself a pie aficionado. Continue reading “Gluten Free Blueberry Recipes – Puff Pastry Danish or Pie (Gum-Free)”

Gluten Free Puff Pastry Dough (Gum-Free)

Gluten Free Gum Free Puff Pastry Dough

If you’re looking for a gluten free puff pastry dough that is free of gum yet is easy to handle, look no further. You can roll and shape this dough as you would any other puff pastry dough. In just 2 hours, you can make the dough of your dreams. I used it for a blueberry pie and my gluten-eating husband said that it was the best blueberry pie he has ever had. Continue reading “Gluten Free Puff Pastry Dough (Gum-Free)”

Gluten Free Green Banana Flour Muffins (Vegan Option)

Green Banana Flour Muffins Gluten Free

One member asked me for a recipe containing a lot of green banana flour because it is one of the resistant starches, meaning it functions similar to soluble fiber. The recipe for pancakes that came with the package turned out gummy. So, I made a recipe for muffins, sweetened with pure maple syrup. So, don’t feel guilty when serving them for breakfast. They are super flavorful and moist. NO MIXER NEEDED!

In this article, I go over the best sources of resistant starches, how to bake with green banana flour, and include a recipe for gluten free green banana flour muffins. While you cannot use 100% green banana flour in baking, you can use enough to take advantage of its health benefits.

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Gluten Free Blueberry Croissants All Natural (Dairy-Free Options)

Gluten Free Blueberry Croissant Dough

Most blueberry croissants consist of plain puff pastry dough filled with blueberry filling. This gluten free blueberry croissants recipe uses naturally flavored and colored blueberry puff pastry dough. Blueberries in the ingredients provide more flavor. This buttery treat is a must for any brunch or special breakfast. Of course, you can serve it as dessert too. Continue reading “Gluten Free Blueberry Croissants All Natural (Dairy-Free Options)”