Blueberry Sauce Using Powdered Sugar For Gluten Free Desserts

Image: Gluten Free Blueberry Sauce

All blueberry sauce recipes may not be gluten free, but most are, provided you use a gluten free starch. Most blueberry sauce recipes call for starch, whether cornstarch, or possibly tapioca or potato starch in a gluten free blueberry sauce recipe. When using the recipe below, no starch is needed, as it is already included in the confectioner’s sugar (powdered sugar). Most powdered sugar you find in the supermarkets contain cornstarch. If you’re corn intolerant, or like to avoid GMO (genetically modified engineered) products, and you’re fortunate enough to live near a Trader Joe’s store, check out their Organic Powdered Sugar. It is made with tapioca starch, and a less refined sugar, evaporated cane juice. Continue reading “Blueberry Sauce Using Powdered Sugar For Gluten Free Desserts”

Creamy Split Pea Soup with Fresh Sugar Snap Peas

Gluten Free Split Pea and Sugar Snap Pea Soup

My father is visiting again, and he just loves his soups! Split pea soup is one of his faves, but  knowing he is ill I just had to add some fresh nutritional content. So, I not only made a split pea soup, but with added fresh sugar snap peas. Being Italian he loves the flavor of basil, so I added a bit of that as well. Along with added onion, garlic and broth he had a huge bowl filled with tons of broken up Schar’s gluten free bread sticks! Fresh, vegan, vegetarian and delicious. Enjoy! Continue reading “Creamy Split Pea Soup with Fresh Sugar Snap Peas”

Spinach Rice

Spinach Rice

This spinach rice dish may be made with an Indian flare or a Chinese flare. Either way, it’s delicious. I chose to hide the bitter taste of spinach in this recipe. No bitterness at all! If anything it tasted a bit creamy, though, it is dairy-free. For a Chinese flare, use gluten free soy sauce. For an Indian flare, use butter and turmeric. If not egg tolerant, or vegetarian or vegan, skip the eggs. This recipe is very forgiving on amounts and ingredients. Another gluten free recipe to add to your favorites in which you can get creative. Enjoy! Continue reading “Spinach Rice”

Gluten Free Potato Dumplings and Chicken

Gluten Free Chicken and Dumplings

Contemplating my next blog post recipe, I first asked myself, what would my husband enjoy that I have never made. Gluten free dumplings was my answer! Something starchy, with gravy would hit the spot on this cold, snowy winter’s day. However, I just could not imagine making a gluten free dumpling out of gluten free flour. It would just be a ball of starch. Therefore, I went with mashed potatoes. They make gluten free dumplings you’d be proud to serve your gluten eating guests. Continue reading “Gluten Free Potato Dumplings and Chicken”

Gluten Free Chicken Recipe: Broiled Honey Mustard Fillets

I’m in love, and I’m not referring to my husband. I’m in love with this honey mustard gluten free chicken recipe! I was was in a rush and need an easy gluten free chicken recipe that was low in fat and dairy-free. It was wonderful! It is similar to orange chicken, without the orange. If you’re not dairy-free you may also enjoy my Gluten Free Honey Yogurt Chicken Recipe which is also very good; and less sweet and a little creamy. However, this gluten free chicken recipe is a bit more gourmet, as it calls for white wine and other flavorful additions. Enjoy! Continue reading “Gluten Free Chicken Recipe: Broiled Honey Mustard Fillets”

Gluten Free Rice Bread (Potato- and Tapioca-Free)

Gluten Free Rice Bread (Potato- and Tapioca-Free)... Read more at © Carla's Gluten Free Recipe Box

It’s now 2017! I know how to make much better bread than this. Check out more Gluten Free Bread Recipes!

One of my readers requested a gluten free rice bread recipe containing rice flour, arrowroot flour and guar gum due to several grain sensitivities. Here it is! The best I can do right now. I added some flaxseed meal for a bit of fiber and flavor, an extra egg white for added protein, as baking gluten free rice bread with only arrowroot flour, versus potato and tapioca starch, is whole different ball game! It was challenging. The recipe below was my first attempt. On my next attempt I’ll try increase the amount of water and see if I can get it rise a bit higher, using a 9×5″ loaf pan. I used a 9×5″, but it did not rise, above the rim, and then fell a bit during cooling. A 9×4″ loaf pan would be perfect for the recipe, as is. This gluten free bread recipe did not turn out fluffy like my usual gluten free bread recipes, but it is certainly edible and tasty! It’s just better toasted. Whoever else has similar grain sensitivities, I hope this gluten free rice bread recipe is some to use to you. Meanwhile, if you do not have other sensitivities, see the links at the bottom of this page for other gluten free rice bread recipes. Continue reading “Gluten Free Rice Bread (Potato- and Tapioca-Free)”

Rice with Basil and Candied Ginger Recipe

I searched for a candied ginger recipe online, but found mostly recipes on how to make candied ginger. So, I created my own! We really enjoyed this. I served it with gluten free chicken sausages made by Full Circle. They contain no MSG or nitrates which is very hard to find in a sausage. They have many other advantages, as well. I’ll see if I can get them to sponsor a giveaway. Meanwhile this rice and candied ginger recipe was wonderful. It’s not hot on the tongue, just a kick in the back of your throat. Enjoy if you like spicy food! Continue reading “Rice with Basil and Candied Ginger Recipe”

Gluten Free Finger Sandwiches – Cucumber Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

This wonderful gluten free finger sandwich recipe idea was contributed from Allison Windfahl, author of The Gluten Free Fat Loss Plan. Roasted red pepper hummus is one of my favorite dips! To have another red pepper hummus recipe idea is just grand! Allison did not include a recipe for the actual hummus, however one can easily be found on the Internet. Just make sure you use a tahini sauce that is pure sesame paste, without any gluten ingredients, if you using that in your recipe. And if your digestive system is not up for beans, you’ll have to try this Red Pepper Hummus Recipe (Bean-Free) recipe from Ani Phyo, raw food author. Thank you so much, Allison, for this great idea! It looks and sound delicious! Continue reading “Gluten Free Finger Sandwiches – Cucumber Roasted Red Pepper Hummus”

Creamy Dairy Free Gluten Free Cauliflower Soup

Image: Creamy Gluten Free Dairy Free Cauliflower Soup

My father is ill, and all of us daughters are taking very good care of him. I went shopping for him and came back with cauliflower, which he wasn’t too happy about. However, he said he would eat cauliflower soup. That was a perfect idea on a chilly San Francisco day. I thought I’d share my recipe for gluten free cauliflower soup with you which I made with very little ingredients on hand. It turned out rich and creamy without any milk of any kind; the best creamy, dairy free cauliflower soup I’ve ever had! I had 2 bowls myself. Yum! Continue reading “Creamy Dairy Free Gluten Free Cauliflower Soup”