Gluten Free Meatloaf with Spinach and Cherry Red Wine Glaze

Glazed Gluten Free Meatloaf Roulad Stuffed with Spinach

It’s time to add (or hide) more veggies to your gluten free recipes. And what better dish to add them to than a gluten free meatloaf? (This is so moist and tasty!) You’ll increase your fiber, lessen your fat and calorie intake and get more nutrients at the same time. And don’t skip the veggies on the side thinking you have your sufficient intake. It is now suggested rather than loading your plate with one third vegetables, that if you increase it to half, you’ll be much healthier. Continue reading “Gluten Free Meatloaf with Spinach and Cherry Red Wine Glaze”

Gluten Free Soy Free Soy Sauce Substitute

Image: Gluten Free Soy Free Soy Sauce Substitute

It’s difficult enough finding a gluten free soy sauce, let alone a gluten free soy free soy sauce. One does exist, though. South River Miso makes a gluten free soy free soy sauce substitute from chickpeas, Miso Tamari, chickpea flavor. It is supposed to be so good that they limit your purchase quantity because it takes at least 3 months to make. Their products are unpasteurized, living foods, rich in enzymes and beneficial microorganisms. They start shipping this year on September 15, 2011. I still need to contact them to find out if they avoid cross-contamination, though, as I see they make a barley miso, as well. I’ll call them and update this page when I find out, hopefully today or early next week. Meanwhile, you can make your own gluten free soy free soy sauce substitute. Continue reading “Gluten Free Soy Free Soy Sauce Substitute”

Gluten Free Hash Browns with Potatoes and Zucchini

Gluten Free Hash Browns and Zucchini

In an effort to add more vegetables to my diet, I am finding more and more ways of either hiding them or adding them to standard recipes. Homemade hash browns do not take much longer to cook than the frozen kind. The only extra work is in peeling them. However, they don’t turn out as crispy as frozen do. I just shred my potatoes, zucchini and onion through the food processor and it’s prepped in no time! Continue reading “Gluten Free Hash Browns with Potatoes and Zucchini”

Fresh Fruit Heals Leaky Gut

The best recipes for a leaky gut contain whole foods (unprocessed foods), but some in particular. Perhaps you’re sick of fruit and are now going for those high carb snacks. I think we all have gone through the feeling of being deprived when we first start a gluten free diet, though once you find your favorite brands of gluten free baked goods, including bread, all hell breaks loose on the scale, at least those of us who have healed already. This is why I have been concentrating on finding a more healthy gluten free snack. Though I don’t ever think I’ll give up perfecting gluten free baked recipes. Everything in moderation, right? So, while your gut is still healing, ditch those high carb baked goods and reach recipes for leaky gut such as those containing high complex carbohydrates: legumes (if tolerated), fresh vegetables and fresh fruit. Continue reading “Fresh Fruit Heals Leaky Gut”

Fried Colored Potatoes and Onion

This dish is not only attractive, but very tasty, and naturally gluten free. If you are used to frying or roasting potatoes, adding a bit of chopped onion and/or garlic provides quite a bit of flavor. However, all three of these potatoes tend to have more flavor than brown/russet potatoes. Using colored potatoes is also very attractive in potato salad, as well. I picked up a very small bag of baby colored potatoes at Trader Joe’s. If you have one locally, you may want to check there if you can’t find them in your local supermarket. Continue reading “Fried Colored Potatoes and Onion”

Gluten Free Vegan Italian Pasta Casserole

Gluten Free Vegan Casserole with Artichoke Hearts

When my husband isn’t home for dinner, I often just throw any ingredients in a pan and go for it. I don’t need meat every night. This is my favorite out of all of my gluten free pasta recipes, and it happens to be gluten free vegan. The other night I went in my pantry for dog food when I spotted a jar of artichoke hearts and immediately thought of some with pasta, along with red bell pepper. The rest is history. I used just about every Italian ingredient I could get my hands on in my kitchen to create an authentic gluten free Italian recipe. It’s something that I knew must already exist; however, I had no name for it. That’s all I knew was I would be happy to pay for this in a fine restaurant as a main dish. I could eat this every night, if needed. Loved it! Let me know how you like it, if you give it a try. It may be used as a main dish or a side dish. Mangia! (Italian for “eat!”) Continue reading “Gluten Free Vegan Italian Pasta Casserole”

Gluten Free Strawberry Spinach Salad with Strawberry Vinaigrette Dressing

Image: Strawberry Spinach Salad with Walnuts and Cheese

On the 4th of July I had a sweet tooth. Actually, I have had a sweet tooth all week, but not for dessert. I went to the grocery store, hungry, the other day and ended up with a cart full of naturally gluten-free foods, such as gluten-free cocktail onions and raspberry balsamic vinegar. Obviously, not just sweet foods, but tangy, as well. Must be something going on with my diet. Hmmm. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this recipe strawberry spinach salad, as well as the dressing. We did! Continue reading “Gluten Free Strawberry Spinach Salad with Strawberry Vinaigrette Dressing”

Watermelon Sundae

Watermelon Ice Cream Sundae

Of course, this watermelon recipe can be made in a bowl or atop a with gluten-free ice cream cones or regular. If using a cone you can decorate the cone’s top edge with frosting or whipped cream. I’m fresh out of my Goldbaum’s gluten-free ice cream cones. I gave them all to my grandkids. However you can have more ice cream in a bowl, which is what I enjoy the most! This not only makes a great 4th of July recipe, but a nice cool treat all summer long. I had so much fun making this! I’ve never scooped such a large watermelon ball before, but it was very easy. It’s no different than scooping out smaller ones. Get that scooper and dive in! And again, happy 4th of July! Continue reading “Watermelon Sundae”

Watermelon Stars

Watermelon Cut-Out of in Shape of a Star

This is such an easy and fast gluten free dessert to make! Frost bottom edges with sweetened whipped cream, white frosting, or cream cheese frosting (all recipes below). You can also use canned whipped cream. If desired, add blue food coloring to frosting for decorative stars or leave white. I like to use natural food coloring made by Select Tea. It’s gluten-free and vegan. I left mine white. Adding a single blueberry on top and/or one in the middle of each decoration at the bottom brings color to this dessert. If you’d like, you can frost the entire top of the star and add multiple blueberries and/or other red berries, and skip the decorative frosting, or do both. This recipe can be made low-carb using sugar substitutes. This definitely makes a great 4th of July desserts, and definitely a conversation piece! Happy 4th of July to everyone in the U.S.! Continue reading “Watermelon Stars”