Have you been tested for celiac disease? Have you been tested with a negative result? How accurate are celiac blood tests? This is a very informative article by Dr. Robert Failla, which answers this question. Since celiac blood tests (endomysial, reticulin [IgA], and gliadin [IgG and IgA]), and other diagnoses, are so important you won’t want to miss this article. Continue reading “How accurate are celiac blood tests?”
National Gluten-free Diet Awareness Month
November is not only National Gluten-free Diet Awareness Month, but a special day is marked for the Celiac Disease Foundation.
Since November 19, 1990, when the Celiac Disease Foundation‘s articles of incorporation were filed with the California Secretary of State’s office, (and are refiled annually), they, a non-profit public benefit corporation, have been diligently raising awareness of the disease. Celiac Disease Foundation Continue reading “National Gluten-free Diet Awareness Month”
Aluminum Foil Dangers
Did you know that our bodies are not designed to absorb the amounts of aluminum that we absorb? From aluminum foil, deodorants, antacids, aspirin to prescription medication and more. Aluminum is not a heavy metal, but it can be toxic. If we use these items on a regular basis we have a degree of aluminum toxicity in our bodies. Learn aluminum toxicity symptoms and how to prevent aluminum poisoning in your kitchen. Continue reading “Aluminum Foil Dangers”
National Celiac Awareness Day – September 13, 2010
In honor of English physician and pediatrician, Samuel Gee’s birthday, in 2006 The Untied States Senate declared September 13 National Celiac Awareness Day. Samuel Gee was the first person to link Celiac Disease to diet. It was later discovered that a gluten-free diet rids a Celiac patient of their ills and allows them to recover. Continue reading “National Celiac Awareness Day – September 13, 2010”