Creamy Dairy Free Gluten Free Cauliflower Soup

Image: Creamy Gluten Free Dairy Free Cauliflower Soup

My father is ill, and all of us daughters are taking very good care of him. I went shopping for him and came back with cauliflower, which he wasn’t too happy about. However, he said he would eat cauliflower soup. That was a perfect idea on a chilly San Francisco day. I thought I’d share my recipe for gluten free cauliflower soup with you which I made with very little ingredients on hand. It turned out rich and creamy without any milk of any kind; the best creamy, dairy free cauliflower soup I’ve ever had! I had 2 bowls myself. Yum! Continue reading “Creamy Dairy Free Gluten Free Cauliflower Soup”

Whole Grain Gluten Free Bagels

This is my second attempt at gluten free bagels. My first attempt was a huge flop. This one has the perfect texture! I used Pamela’s products bread mix ingredient list as a base, and just judged the amounts. I began with a 3 cup flour mixture, but ended up needing a little more starch, so added a bit of potato starch. My husband loved them, and he’s not gluten-free. Next time I make this I’ll work on adding more a shine to them, as they are a bit flat in that area. In addition, I will change the flours a bit, as they are just a little grainy, not much after they cool, though. I’ll give the superfine rice flours a try. If you try it before I do, please update us all by leaving a comment below. Meanwhile, if you haven’t had bagels in awhile, you’ll definitely appreciate these gluten free bagels. Continue reading “Whole Grain Gluten Free Bagels”

Chocolate Chili with Bacon (Gluten Free)

Gluten Free Chocolate Chili

You heard it right, chocolate chili! I also threw in some bacon. I love to keep my guests guessing what the ingredients are in this chili. My daughter made a similar chocolate chili recipe, and she won an award for it. Unfortunately, for me, it contained tomatoes. Being allergic to tomatoes, I created my own chocolate chili recipe, gluten-free of course. You can top this chili with cheese and/or gluten free bacon bits. I over cook some bacon to garnish the top and then add additional juice from the chili on top. It gives it a nice sheen, yet leaves the crunch for added texture. This is yet another one of my no tomato chili recipes. Enjoy! Continue reading “Chocolate Chili with Bacon (Gluten Free)”

Gluten Free Banana Bread

Gluten Free Banana Bread Recipe

I have been meaning to develop a gluten free banana bread recipe for some time now, but just could not decide whether I wanted to go for a heavier, super moist banana bread or closer to a cake-like texture. I opted for the heavy, moist one. The experimenter in me wanted to see what would happen if I added a 1/2 cup of milk (I used homemade almond milk) to what I was positive would make the perfect gluten free banana bread recipe. And boy, I am so glad that I did. It came out perfect! It tastes like real banana bread! Adding milk usually helps gluten-free baked goods, as it contains protein, but when I saw such a runny batter I became worried. No problems though. So happy, fulfilled and full! Enjoy! Continue reading “Gluten Free Banana Bread”

Zucchini Hash Browns

Several weeks, perhaps months, ago, I created a combined zucchini and potato hash brown recipe. Since then, I’ve been wanting to try just zucchini hash browns. The opportunity presented itself, as someone gave us a giant zucchini. It must have been 2 feet long and 6 inches wide. There isn’t much to this recipe, but it sure is delicious…and much healthier than your typical hash browns. In addition, it is much lower in carbs than regular hash browns! Continue reading “Zucchini Hash Browns”

Chocolate Bowl Recipe (Gluten-Free) with Chocolate Mousse

I had ordered some chocolate dessert molds and some chocolate candy molds so that when I went to visit my grandkids we’d have something fun to do. I wanted to show the family that gluten free desserts can be delicious, too. We made chocolate bowls filled with mousse. The gluten free chocolate mousse was from a packaged that we doctored up. And we topped it all off with a chocolate candy. Yum! However, we used too large of a size mold, and it was just way too much chocolate for some of us. Though some of us die-hard chocolate lovers finished every bite. I suggest a little smaller size, though any size would make wonderful gluten free desserts. You can even fill them with fresh fruit. If you do not have a chocolate mold try using small custard cups and top one with another. Enjoy and have fun! Continue reading “Chocolate Bowl Recipe (Gluten-Free) with Chocolate Mousse”

Stove Top Chili Fries Recipe: Spicy or Mild

I was thinking about whipping up some of my Indian fries with turmeric, but had decided to turn this into a gluten free chili fries recipe. You may add cheese or not, however, these are very tasty on their own. The mustard is the key, here. Any of the spices, other than chili powder, such as cumin and red peppers can go to the wayside if making this for children. This chili fries recipe is my way of having junk food without all of the chemicals, added sugar and gluten cross-contamination issues. Continue reading “Stove Top Chili Fries Recipe: Spicy or Mild”

Blackberry Avocado Salad with Candied Walnuts

Image: Blackberry Candied Walnuts and Avocado Salad

Last night for dinner I just wasn’t up to cooking anything, and wasn’t that hungry, but I managed to make some candied walnuts (I used agave), and threw together this blackberry avocado salad together that I absolutely loved! You will find three recipes below: Candied Walnuts, Blackberry Balsamic Dressing and and how to arrange this all together to form a blackberry avocado salad. using spring greens. You may top this off with feta cheese, goat cheese, monterey jack, cheese substitute, your favorite cheese or plain. However, there is nothing plain about this salad. Your family or guests will think you slaved all day! Continue reading “Blackberry Avocado Salad with Candied Walnuts”

Gluten Free Falafel with Cucumber Sauce

Falafel Lettuce Wrap

Falafel, which are popular in the Middle East, is now served all over the world as a replacement for meat, normally have a cake-like texture to them, similar to doughnuts. The texture of this gluten free falafel is something you’ve probably never experienced before, but both my husband and I really enjoyed this. I normally would have cast this recipe aside because it is not the traditional texture inside, but we enjoyed it more than the usual. It has a creamy, almost bean-like texture inside and crispy on the outside. I added a few unusual ingredients, and I am really glad that I did. I hope you enjoy my new version of gluten-free falafel. I’ve included my cucumber dipping sauce, too! Continue reading “Gluten Free Falafel with Cucumber Sauce”

Gluten Free Meatloaf with Spinach and Cherry Red Wine Glaze

Glazed Gluten Free Meatloaf Roulad Stuffed with Spinach

It’s time to add (or hide) more veggies to your gluten free recipes. And what better dish to add them to than a gluten free meatloaf? (This is so moist and tasty!) You’ll increase your fiber, lessen your fat and calorie intake and get more nutrients at the same time. And don’t skip the veggies on the side thinking you have your sufficient intake. It is now suggested rather than loading your plate with one third vegetables, that if you increase it to half, you’ll be much healthier. Continue reading “Gluten Free Meatloaf with Spinach and Cherry Red Wine Glaze”