Chuck E. CheeseĀ gluten free menu is now being tested in a limited number of their stores. They are offering gluten free pizza which is manufactured in a gluten free facility, bagged, and then shipped to their restaurants. And for dessert they offer cupcakes.
The cheese pizza remains bagged even during the baking process, and remains bagged upon serving. If that’s not enough, it is served with its own disposable pizza cutter. For dessert, a fudge cupcake is offered which is also sealed. How’s that for avoiding gluten cross-contamination?
Their gluten free offerings are currently available at a limited number of locations in Minnesota. Watch the video below to learn more.
Sign up for updates at their website or follow them onĀ Twitter,Ā FacebookĀ orĀ Pinterest.
And if you’re a blogger attending the BlogHer conference in early August in New York, look for Chuck E. Cheese there, as well.
Thank you,
I will be telling ALL of my friends & family that a national chain cares more about their customers than the mighty dollar
I am recently gluten free do not have any children but will look forward to stopping into my local Chuck E cheese for a bite and maybe a game of skitte ball. Once again THANK YOU,
When is gluten free pizza and cupcakes coming to Denver, CO? I can’t wait!