Gluten Free Cheerios Recall

Cheerios recently went gluten free. Unfortunately, in July, they had something occur at their Lodi, California facility where wheat may have gotten into regular and Honey Nut Cheerios. General Mills is performing a voluntary recall. See the image at the bottom of this article to find out if a box you have is contaminated or not. Because the image is so small, I’ve listed the dates you need to check. However, first allow me to fill you on the new gluten free Cheerios.


Gluten-Free Cheerios is starting to hit the shelves. They are available in regular, Honey Nut, MultiGrain, Apple Cinnamon, and Frosted.

They use oats grown specifically for Cheerios. Instead of using gluten-free certified oats, they invented a sifting method instead. They state, “If we used certified oats, we would use up the entire supply of gluten free certified oats in two weeks.”

Instead, they sift through their oats to remove stray wheat, barley, and rye. By law, their product must not contain 20 parts per million (ppm) gluten whether they use gluten free certified oats or not. Are you interested in trying them? It’s your choice. I just wanted to inform you of the facts as I know many of you who are hypersensitive to gluten will not.

Watch a short video about it now!

Read the FAQs now!


Cheerios Recall:

Honey Nut Cheerios better if used by 12JUL 2016 LD through 20 JUL 2016 LD

Regular Cheerios better if used by 14JUL 2016 LD through 17JUL 2016 LD

Gluten Free Cheerios Recall Intructions

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