Gluten Free Recipe Box Header Image Contest

Just a heads up: We are planning on sprucing up our website, but need to do it the “do-it-yourself” way, as we do not sell anything which would allow us to make a profit. Plus, we are busy in the kitchen, on the Internet doing research and recruiting new professionals for the forum. Therefore, we are having a contest for a new header image! Our header is so sad right now. We were in a hurry to get things up and running when we first moved here. As you can see, we need a lot of help! Funny, but true!

We will post the official contest once we have gathered enough prizes. We want this prize to be the largest gluten-free giveaway – a huge amount of gluten-free goodies, not necessarily all food!  We’re looking at having the contest run through December 31, 2010.


The header image needs to be 893 x 125 pixels. The colors are irrelevant as colors may be changed in our website template, with a little learning and/or expertise. Any of the photos on the site may be used in the header, with our permission, as a few are copyrighted by others. All images will be posted for reader feedback. Gluten Free Recipe Box will chose the winning image. All contestants will forfeit all copyright claims, meaning the image will belong to Gluten Free Recipe Box.

The lucky winner will also be mentioned in our About page for as long as the header image is used. Besides that exposure the contestants and winner will be blasted all over Facebook, (5000+), Twitter and other social media sites.

If you do not know a lot about gluten-free food, just note that we avoid all wheat, barley, rye and gluten oats.

Any questions can be left here or sent via email through our “Contact” form.

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