I recently received a request from one of my readers for a gluten-free yeast-free bread recipe. I noticed that many people avoid yeast. Personally, I wish to slowly remove fermented foods and ingredients from my diet and had the question, “Is yeast bad for you?” I did some research and this article turned out to be about Candida, as well. I wanted to share the information I found on yeast, as well as how Candida (yeast infections), also known as thrush, can trigger celiac disease. Continue reading “Celiac Disease and Candida: Is Yeast Bad for You?”
How accurate are celiac blood tests?
Have you been tested for celiac disease? Have you been tested with a negative result? How accurate are celiac blood tests? This is a very informative article by Dr. Robert Failla, which answers this question. Since celiac blood tests (endomysial, reticulin [IgA], and gliadin [IgG and IgA]), and other diagnoses, are so important you won’t want to miss this article. Continue reading “How accurate are celiac blood tests?”
National Gluten-free Diet Awareness Month
November is not only National Gluten-free Diet Awareness Month, but a special day is marked for the Celiac Disease Foundation.
Since November 19, 1990, when the Celiac Disease Foundation‘s articles of incorporation were filed with the California Secretary of State’s office, (and are refiled annually), they, a non-profit public benefit corporation, have been diligently raising awareness of the disease. Celiac Disease Foundation Continue reading “National Gluten-free Diet Awareness Month”
Celiac Disease: In Memory of Dr. Mathew Baillie
Dr. Mathew Baillie, born October 27, 1761, known to have been one of the frontiers in celiac disease, discovered that a gluten-free diet would help those suffering from gastrointestinal problems and other symptoms, what is now known to be celiac disease. In the early nineteenth century Dr. Baillie documented the improvements of following a gluten-free diet, and for the first time, the relapse upon reintroduction of gluten. He explained, “Some patients appear to derive considerable advantage from living almost entirely on rice.”
October is National Celiac Disease Awareness month and I wanted to share this informative video with you to provide you with additional information to raise awareness on the subject.
Continue reading “Celiac Disease: In Memory of Dr. Mathew Baillie”
Celiac: Foods to Avoid
If you have been diagnosed with celiac disease, you would do best to eat natural foods, free of chemicals, preservatives, additives and other artificial ingredients, as some of these ingredients are sources of hidden gluten and are unhealthy for us all.
Link Between Celiac Disease and MSG
There is a theory that MSG is unsafe for celiac patients. It certainly has been proven that MSG increases the risk for autism. In addition, it has been discovered that most individuals who report having a reaction to MSG also report a sensitivity to wheat. There are many foods and ingredients that those with celiac disease should not consume. One would think that rice milk would be safe, but all brands are not gluten-free. Read the information below to find out more about unsafe foods for those with celiac individuals and more. Continue reading “Celiac: Foods to Avoid”
National Celiac Awareness Day – September 13, 2010
In honor of English physician and pediatrician, Samuel Gee’s birthday, in 2006 The Untied States Senate declared September 13 National Celiac Awareness Day. Samuel Gee was the first person to link Celiac Disease to diet. It was later discovered that a gluten-free diet rids a Celiac patient of their ills and allows them to recover. Continue reading “National Celiac Awareness Day – September 13, 2010”
Views on Good Sources for Gluten-Free Living
When gluten-free dieters were asked, “What have you found to be the best gluten-free or Celiac Disease reference or guidebooks?” here is what they had to say: Continue reading “Views on Good Sources for Gluten-Free Living”