Gluten Free Chili Without Tomatoes and Beans

Image: Gluten Free Chili Without Beans Without Tomatoes

I made this gluten free chili without tomatoes because I have a tomato allergy. I also made this chili without beans and is gluten-free. I miss the sweetness that tomatoes bring to a good chili recipe, but I found a way to sweeten it up this recipe without tomatoes. It can be made as mild or hot as you wish. Just skip the cheese topping and it will be dairy free, too. My husband and I really enjoyed this gluten free chiliĀ recipe and hope that you will, too! Continue reading “Gluten Free Chili Without Tomatoes and Beans”

Gluten Free Potatoes and Onion Recipe

Potatoes and Onions

This recipe is so simple, yet so delicious. It was my mother’s recipe. Now it is one of my staple gluten free potato recipes. She’s been gone for some years, but it brings me comfort and makes me smile every time I make this dish. Kids tend to not like them very brown, but by all means brown them up as much as you desire. I usually do, unless my grandkids are over. Continue reading “Gluten Free Potatoes and Onion Recipe”

Vegan and Gluten Free Stuffed Zucchini Recipe

I have been craving an old recipe of mine that I no longer can have due to my tomato allergies, but created this one as a substitute. There a ton of variations to this recipe which is great because you’ll never tire of it. You can either keep it vegan or add meat, cheese, etc. You can use traditional shaped zucchini or round ones if you can get a hold of some. The one I used in the photo below is from my garden. Continue reading “Vegan and Gluten Free Stuffed Zucchini Recipe”

Low Sodium Southern Red Beans and Rice Recipe

New Orleans Southern Red Beans and Rice

My mother made a few southern dishes that were family favorites. It’s been years since I made her red beans and rice recipe, but this time I changed things around, making it lower in sodium and by adding a little kick to heat it up. With or without heat, these beans are very flavorful. My mother used to always make them using a ham bone with lots of meat left on it. When not available she would use a ham hock, but didn’t like the additional fat, and I agree. To lessen the sodium content, I used very lean, very thin pork chops cut into bite sized pieces. When I tasted it, I could have sworn it was ham without all the salt! If you are on a low sodium diet use the chops; if not use a ham bone if you can find one. Enjoy this southern dish, as I have for many decades. Continue reading “Low Sodium Southern Red Beans and Rice Recipe”

Gluten Free Roasted Garlic Walnut Pesto

Gluten Free Walnut Pesto

I wanted to make a walnut paste to be used on pasta or when chilled even on crackers or celery, but the recipes I found contain raw garlic. I really wanted to make a walnut paste with roasted garlic, therefore, I began a new experiment. I thought about using pine nuts, but I wanted to create something yummy for everyone that was affordable. You make this as a paste or as a walnut pesto sauce. Continue reading “Gluten Free Roasted Garlic Walnut Pesto”

Gluten Free Lentil Soup with Bacon

Gluten Free Lentil Soup with Bacon

Stop the presses! This is my all time favorite out of all of my gluten free soup recipes! I love anything with bacon, but try to not eat it too often, as most of them contain many preservatives, not to mention the calories. I am having overnight company in about a week and decided to make my famous lentil bacon soup. Kids love it as well as adults. Who doesn’t like bacon, right? I am sure they exist, but it is as many who do not like chocolate. Continue reading “Gluten Free Lentil Soup with Bacon”

Gluten Free Avocado Chicken Salad

Avocado Chicken Salad

I love avocados and I thought, “Why not mix it up with chicken for an avocado chicken salad sandwich or atop a salad?” I allow myself a serving of avocado once a week, as a treat. Adding a little Greek yogurt makes this recipe even less in calories, or use mayonnaise for richness, or neither. This is a quick, easy avocado chicken salad recipe that anyone can make. And it’s great for using up leftover chicken. You’ll see the sandwich photo below which shows the dairy-free version, and the salad photo showing the dairy version Continue reading “Gluten Free Avocado Chicken Salad”

Low Fat Healthy Baked French Fries

Low Fat Baked French Fries

Let’s face it french fries that have been deep fried are high in calories. If you’d like a french fry lower in fat and calories just bake them. I’m all for low fat french fries! I recently purchased a Nonstick French Fry Baking Pan which allows the heat to rise form the bottom through holes in the pan, allowing browning to occur on both sides. A little olive oil spray makes them taste like regular french fries. UPDATE: I have successfully made these using a regular baking sheet. You may use russet potatoes, sweet potatoes, or golden or red potatoes. Guilt free French fries! What’s not to enjoy? Continue reading “Low Fat Healthy Baked French Fries”

Stuffed Gluten Free Potato Pancakes with a Variety of Optinal Fillings

Potato Pancakes

I have been planning to make gluten free potato pancakes for some time, now, and finally got around to making them. Gee, it’s been a decade or more since I have had them. Ahhh! – what a delight! I make them with fresh left-over potato pancakes, not instant potatoes. This recipe is gluten free and without any type of flour. I show the how-to by text and photo display.Ā  This recipe covers making homemade mashed potatoes and potato pancakes, plain, and with a variety of fillings. Either way they are scrumptious! Continue reading “Stuffed Gluten Free Potato Pancakes with a Variety of Optinal Fillings”

Vegan Basil Rice Pilaf or Basil Fried Rice

Image: Gluten Free Basil Fried Rice

It was time to harvest some of my fresh basil. I already had made basil appetizers, but I needed more uses for basil. I had about a cup of left-over rice and thought, “A rice pilaf recipe!” I have made quite a few rice pilaf recipes which some I liked and others I really didn’t. This one tasted amazing! It is also very easy and fast to make. The one thing I did different this time is to not use a chicken or beef broth, which makes this a vegan rice pilaf recipe. Instead, I added additional extra virgin olive oil. You can make a meal of it by adding egg for protein, if you are not on a vegan diet. You will see photos of both versions below. This is a must try! Continue reading “Vegan Basil Rice Pilaf or Basil Fried Rice”