Often times, going gluten free isn’t enough. If you’ve decided to try or are already on a dairy free, you’ll many substitutes for dairy items. Let’s get started by addressing a dairy free substitute for butter!
Read more: Dairy Free Substitute for Butter (Gluten Free)Butter is usually the hardest dairy item to substitute. Let’s look at what butter is made: 80% fat + 20% water.
Coconut Oil or Refined Coconut Oil
I have tried using 80% refined organic coconut oil (refined doesn’t have any coconut flavor) plus 20% water and it came pit awfully close, but just did not quite contain enough fat. So, when using refined or regular coconut oil, try using 80% + 20% full-fat coconut milk or 90% coconut oil + 10% water.
Palm Oil
My favorite substitute for butter or coconut oil using the above formula is palm oil made by either Essential Depot or Okanarur. I first began using palm oil in gluten free vegan cookies for a recipe development client and they all turned out amazing! He thought so as well.
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For the same or similar flavor, add a little butter extract, if you wish.