With the entire month of May being National Celiac Disease Awareness Month, I thought it would helpful for those not familiar with celiac disease to not only learn a little about it, but for those with celiac disease to learn more. Below you will discover information about refactory celiac disease and non-responsive celiac disease. If you have any form of gluten intolerance, this is a must read, as I go over a study that talks about how those with non-responsive celiac disease finally found an answer. This information will be beneficial to anyone with gluten intolerance. Please do not meet the note in the lower section. Continue reading “Non-Responsive Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance”
Hope on the Horizon for Celiac Disease
We know that celiac disease is not the ‘rare’ disorder that I was taught it was at school. We know that at 1% incidence, it is the most common life-long disorder in the US and Europe. And we know, as of recent research, that the 1% incidence actually increases to 4 and 5% as the population ages. Therefore, we have a fairly common disorder on our hands that is poorly diagnosed. Continue reading “Hope on the Horizon for Celiac Disease”
How to Interpret Confusing Celiac Research
I try to stay on the cutting edge of research as it relates to celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. Occasionally a study emerges that just doesn’t seem to ‘add up’ when compared to other studies and just good common sense.
Often it turns out that the study is perfectly valid, but the problem lies in the conclusions others are drawing from the study. In other words, it’s the interpretation that is at fault. My reason for bringing this up is that there is much data available on the Internet Continue reading “How to Interpret Confusing Celiac Research”
Is Quinoa Gluten Free? Not All Are Created Equal
I have experienced digestive reactions in some quinoa products, but not others. Since I am often asked, is quinoa gluten free, I thought I would share the most recent study on this very subject. The study was performed in the U.K. by the Division of Diabetes and Nutritional Sciences, Department of Gastroenterology at King’s College London, one of the world’s leading research and teaching universities. Their findings were very interesting, and resolved my confusion on the subject. In Dr. Vikki Petersen’s video (bottom of this page), she further clarifies some things for us. Continue reading “Is Quinoa Gluten Free? Not All Are Created Equal”
Celiac Disease Neurological Symptoms – Is Gluten Damaging Your Brain
When I first began reading this article. My first thought was, “Not another thing associated with celiac and gluten!” As I read further, I began to see to possible connection with more than celiac disease, but with any type of gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance. This article covers a study which shows actual brain damage in those with celiac disease and the common and more serious celiac disease neurological symptoms, including brain damage. Read on to learn from Dr. Vikki Petersen. Continue reading “Celiac Disease Neurological Symptoms – Is Gluten Damaging Your Brain”
I’m Celiac – How Good Can I Expect to Feel?
Discovering that you have celiac disease, or gluten sensitivity, is often a decade long process (or longer!) that entails many doctors, many drugs to treat symptoms actually being caused by gluten, and a lot of treatments that don’t work.
When you finally find out the ‘real’ answer – gluten – you think all your problems will be solved. And initially, it often seems that they are. But, due to a continued leaky gut, undiagnosed infections, a compromised immune system, cross-reactive foods (those that mimic gluten), poor digestive enzyme levels, probiotic imbalances and/or hormone imbalance, symptoms often return. Continue reading “I’m Celiac – How Good Can I Expect to Feel?”
Dermatitis Herpetiformis: Learn why some react to topical gluten and others do not
Can Your Skin Have Celiac Disease?
One of my pet peeves is the way skin conditions are treated in this country. I cannot state what happens elsewhere, although I fear it’s similar, but here in the US, dermatologists (skin doctors) tend to treat skin the way one would a stain on one’s shirt. In other words, they direct all their attention to trying to make it disappear, the rash, the dryness, the burning, etc.
Why is that an error? The skin is an organ. In fact, it’s our largest organ. As an organ, it is most closely related to the digestive tract, another very large and very important organ. Continue reading “Dermatitis Herpetiformis: Learn why some react to topical gluten and others do not”
Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Forum 2012
If you haven’t attended one of the annual Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Forums yet, you’re in for an adventure. This unique event is where people gather to learn information about gluten sensitivity/intolerance and celiac disease. You’ll have the chance to speak to international experts in the field, and just like at trade shows, sample a variety of gluten-free foods. There’s nothing like the feeling of being around 300 or so people who all have the same thing in common. Continue reading “Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Forum 2012”
Gluten Intolerance: Preventing Schizophrenia and Mental Disorders in Pregnancy
Preventing Schizophrenia & Mental Disorders – A “Must Know” Before Pregnancy
Babies are in a bath inside their mothers’ wombs for 9 months. The ‘water’ can be nourishing or toxic. A recent study in June from the American Journal of Psychiatry discovered that women who have a gluten intolerance and continue to consume gluten during their pregnancy put their babies at risk of developing schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders later in life. Continue reading “Gluten Intolerance: Preventing Schizophrenia and Mental Disorders in Pregnancy”
Is Organic Brown Rice Syrup Gluten Free? Does it Contain Arsenic?
Because brown rice syrup is listed on so many gluten free product labels, you may have come to the conclusion that all rice syrup brands are gluten free. However, some contain barley. The fermentation process often removes the barley, per some manufacturers. If you are gluten intolerant always contact the manufacturer before consumption to check, and for cross-contamination issues. Continue reading “Is Organic Brown Rice Syrup Gluten Free? Does it Contain Arsenic?”