Fruit Kebabs

Image: Fruit Kebabs

Whether using fresh, frozen, or canned fruit, fruit kebabs are not only naturally gluten free, but make one of the easiest, yet healthiest appetizers. Using pineapple, strawberries, kewi, honeydew melon, green or red seedless grapes, green or red apples, and bananas are great for coordinating holiday colors, but use whatever you have available or enjoy. You may make dessert fruit kebabs by serving with a Chocolate Fondue Sauce. Enjoy these appetizers whether for New Year’s Eve or any other day! Continue reading “Fruit Kebabs”

Gluten Free Soft Pretzels

Image: Gluten Free Soft Pretzels

I have been wanting to create a recipe for gluten free soft pretzels for some time, now, but I had read that some had trouble with coarse Kosher salt melting. Not wanting to take the chance, I waited until I found some pretzel salt online. I think it makes a big difference in taste and appearance, as pretzel salt is very white, almost powdery. After finding that even professional bakers have trouble making the perfect pretzel, brown and shiny, I discovered what works the best to achieve this. I must have done a good job, as my gluten-eating husband stated that my gluten free soft pretzels taste identical to the real thing. Enjoy! Continue reading “Gluten Free Soft Pretzels”

Lentil Salad (Naturally Gluten Free)

Image: Gluten Free Lentil Salad

In Day 17 of theĀ KITCHENAID Mixer Giveaway and Authorsā€™ Gluten-Free RecipesĀ Event, we have an amazing recipe from author,Ā Dr. Vikki Petersen, who usually contributes a celiac or gluten intolernace/sensitivity article about this time every month. Today she shares with us her lentil salad recipe which is, of course, healthy, as it calls for sprouted lentils. Sprouted legumes are the healthiest of all legumes, as they contain more “live” nutrients. The flavors of this salad are superb, and the heartinessĀ makes it enough for a meal. Enjoy! Thank you Dr. Petersen!Ā  Continue reading “Lentil Salad (Naturally Gluten Free)”

Warm Butternut Squash Quinoa Salad with Crispy Chickpeas

Image: Warm Butternut Squash Quinoa Salads with Crispy Chickpeas

In Day 9 of theĀ Authorsā€™ Gluten-Free Recipes andĀ KitchenAidĀ Pro Stand MixerĀ GiveawayĀ Event, Robert Rose Inc Publishers present one of the amazing gluten free recipes fromĀ 500 Best Quinoa Recipes by Camilla V. Saulsbury. Quinoa salads are very popular among gluten free dieters, and I have never been a big fan of them, however, this is one of my exceptions! Flavor bursts out from almost every ingredient. I hope you enjoy it! Continue reading “Warm Butternut Squash Quinoa Salad with Crispy Chickpeas”

Gluten Free Coffee Cake in a Mug (Microwave)

Image: Gluten Free Coffee Mug Cake

One of my Twitter followers recently asked me for a gluten-free coffee mug cake recipe. I had never heard of a such a thing! So, curiosity got the best of best of me, and I had to get right on it. After a little research, I discovered that most recipes are actually a coffee cakeĀ though you can make other cake recipes in a mug. I thought how great for those that are the only ones in their household that are gluten free to have their very own personal gluten free coffee cake, in minutes! Continue reading “Gluten Free Coffee Cake in a Mug (Microwave)”

Homemade Gluten Free Ricotta Cheese

Image: Homemade Ricotta

In preparation for my tomorrow’s blog post on a gluten free appetizer recipe, I thought I’d share my homemade ricotta cheese recipe. Making your own ricotta cheese ensures no gluten cross-contamination. Though most makers of ricotta do not use gluten in their factories, they may useĀ gluten as a thickening agent, or their thickening agents may be cross-contaminated with gluten. Continue reading “Homemade Gluten Free Ricotta Cheese”

Baked Gluten Free Sweet Potato Fries

Sweet Potato French Fries

This month, Joy Bauer’s recipe contribution comes from her Celiac Disease Recipes Collection. Low in fat and sodium, thisĀ gluten free sweet potato fries recipe is absolutely delicious without a thing added to them besides a little olive oil cooking spray. We found them a welcome change in our gluten free dinner menu. Fries don’t have to be crispy and drenched in oil to taste great. If you haven’t made them yet, I’m sure you’ll agree. Thank you again, Joy for your healthy gluten free recipes. Continue reading “Baked Gluten Free Sweet Potato Fries”