Gluten Free Cheddar Cheese Potato Chips Recipe (or Plain)

Homemade Gluten Free Cheddar Potato Chips

One would think making your own gluten free cheddar cheese potato chips would be easy an easy endeavor, however, it took much research and finally experimenting on my own to create this recipe. I wanted a fried potato chip, but not too brown (burnt tasting), as I saw in many other recipes online. I had other concerns, as well. Did I soak them in cold water first? If so, did this make them more crisp or just prevent browning of the raw potato? Or would that cause the temperature of the oil to drop too much? I share my research below, but you can skip ahead to my successful recipe below for cheddar cheese potato chips. Continue reading “Gluten Free Cheddar Cheese Potato Chips Recipe (or Plain)”

Udi’s Expiration Date – Gluten Free Products

I just received an email which I thought was important to share with those who purchase Udi’s gluten-free bread and other products. I haven’t verified this yet, but it seems to be from a reliable source. If you’ve been searching for an expiration date, it is on the little plastic piece that closes their products. You’ll see a number on it. Example: 11125. The first 2 digits represents the year it was made. The last 3 digits, 125, represents the days in the year. It was made the 125th day of 2011. This would represent May 5, 2011. Bring a calculator along and know how many days are in each month! Continue reading “Udi’s Expiration Date – Gluten Free Products”

Gluten Free Roasted Red Pepper Mashed Potatoes

Roasted Red Bello Pepper Mashed Potatoes - Naturally Gluten Free

I went to my favorite Italian restaurant that caters to those on a gluten-free diet and they made up something special for me, along with their delicious roasted red pepper mashed potatoes! Ever since I have been meaning to create my own recipe. These can be made dairy-free by using a butter or margarine substitute, however, I used butter on mine. I thought my husband who likes to eat American style, meat and potatoes, may not enjoy these gluten free roasted red pepper mashed potatoes over regular mashed potatoes, but he did! And it is now our new fave! I hope you enjoy them, as well! Continue reading “Gluten Free Roasted Red Pepper Mashed Potatoes”

Gluten Free Bavarian Cream

Gluten Free Bavarian Cream Parfait

Custard is my favorite pastry filling, especially the gluten free recipe I use for my creme bruleé and to fill my gluten free cream puffs. However, this time, I needed a lighter custard for my cannoli that I was serving at our Gluten Free in Fresno Support Group meeting at Whole Foods. Unfortunately, real custard is just too heavy for a gluten free cannoli shell or a regular one for that matter. I thought I would lighten the custard up a bit with a bit of sweetened whipping cream, making an incredible delight! Everyone at the meeting really enjoyed the custard filling in the cream puffs a couple of months ago; therefore, I thought the cannolis with this gluten free bavarian cream would be a big hit, as well. They were! It’s light and creamy, yet has a custard flavor! Some went back for seconds and others had thirds! Enjoy! Continue reading “Gluten Free Bavarian Cream”

Gluten Free Curried Grilled Halibut

Dr. Claudia Pillow provides us with this healthy recipe for grilled halibut which calls for curry, and explains the health benefits of this little wonder spice.

Curry powder contains turmeric. In India, turmeric is promoted as an anti-inflammatory herbal remedy and is said to produce fewer side effects than commonly used pain relievers. Some practitioners prescribe turmeric to relieve inflammation caused by lupus, arthritis, muscle sprains, swelling, and pain caused by injuries or surgical incisions. It is also promoted as a treatment for rheumatism and as an antiseptic for cleaning wounds. In addition, turmeric contains the antioxidant curcumin, which has been found to hinder the growth of mutated cells associated with cancer of the breast, skin, and colon, as well as lymphoma. Curcumin can kill cancer cells in laboratory tests and also has been found to shrink animal cancer tumors (1). Continue reading “Gluten Free Curried Grilled Halibut”

Gluten-Free in Fresno Support Group Meeting: April 2011

Gluten Free in Fresno Support Group Logo

For those of you who live in the Central Valley, near Fresno, please join us this evening at Whole Foods for a cooking demo and learn about Celiac Disease and the gluten-free diet!

Because of time restraints, I will not be making tonight’s food items at Whole Foods.  I will bring my gluten-free cannoli shells already made and demonstrating how to make them.  Yum, right?  Instead of the traditional ricotta filling, I will fill them with a new Bavarian cream recipe I just cooked up! Continue reading “Gluten-Free in Fresno Support Group Meeting: April 2011”

Fresh Watermelon Martini

Image: Fresh Watermelon Martini Gluten Free

I’m a sucker for anything watermelon including watermelon beverages both with or without alcohol. And a fresh watermelon martini is one of my faves, actually any melon. Martinis are naturally gluten-free, as the vodka is distilled, which most manufacturers claim removes any gluten. You will find that some vodka brands are made from wheat, rye, barley and fortunately, potatoes. I like to play it safe and use a potato vodka, but I have only tasted two, and do not care for either unless they are mixed with a lot of something sweet. Fresh watermelon, agave and optional citrus will do the trick! Continue reading “Fresh Watermelon Martini”