Celiac Disease: Newly Diagnosed and Still Having Symptoms?

You may be wondering why some gluten intolerant individuals are on a grain-free and gluten-free diet. I have heard from many newly diagnosed celiac patients, as well as gluten intolerant, who react to foods which do not contain gluten. One should not react if eating a gluten-free food from a reputable manufacturer or making it themselves at home, especially if you know that most people do not react to it. When newly diagnosed, one can react to other grains which can mimic gluten such as rice, corn, etc. This is known as being cross-reactive. It is usually not permanent, though. The small intestines just need to heal before introducing corn, rice, dairy, etc. It usually takes about 3 months of eliminating these foods before reintroducing them. If you do not avoid the foods that cause a reaction you only asking for trouble. You need to avoid anything which may cause inflammation to heal a leaky gut and your intestines. Continue reading “Celiac Disease: Newly Diagnosed and Still Having Symptoms?”

GMO Linked to Celiac Disease?

As stated in my article Celiac Disease Vaccine Slated for 2017, three peptides (proteins) have been identified as the cause of the negative reaction to gluten in those with celiac disease. The research team that discovered this was led by gastroenterologist, Robert Anderson of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in Australia. Learn how this information is gluten and how GMO may be linked to celiac disease. Continue reading “GMO Linked to Celiac Disease?”

Fresh Fruit Heals Leaky Gut

The best recipes for a leaky gut contain whole foods (unprocessed foods), but some in particular. Perhaps you’re sick of fruit and are now going for those high carb snacks. I think we all have gone through the feeling of being deprived when we first start a gluten free diet, though once you find your favorite brands of gluten free baked goods, including bread, all hell breaks loose on the scale, at least those of us who have healed already. This is why I have been concentrating on finding a more healthy gluten free snack. Though I don’t ever think I’ll give up perfecting gluten free baked recipes. Everything in moderation, right? So, while your gut is still healing, ditch those high carb baked goods and reach recipes for leaky gut such as those containing high complex carbohydrates: legumes (if tolerated), fresh vegetables and fresh fruit. Continue reading “Fresh Fruit Heals Leaky Gut”

Multiple Sclerosis Raises Risk of Celiac Disease Dramatically

Image: Dr. Vikki Petersen
Vikki Petersen, D.C., C.C.N.

By Dr. Vikki Petersen

I have had the experience of diagnosing multiple sclerosis (MS) patients with gluten intolerance. The results were often an improvement of their nervous system, MS related symptoms. When they related their improvement to their neurologist, it was frequently met with disbelief or a comment that implied some type of ‘placebo’ effect. Patients would be very frustrated at the dismissal of what they felt was a significant factor in their health. Continue reading “Multiple Sclerosis Raises Risk of Celiac Disease Dramatically”

Strengthen Your Immune Systems with Seeds

Image: Claudia Pillow, Ph.D.
Claudia Pillow, Ph.D.
Claudia Pillow, Ph.D.

In my book, The Gluten-Free Good Health Cookbook, I talk about the importance of eating seeds to neutralize inflammation and strengthen the immune system. They are nutritional powerhouses packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, protein and healthy oils. But many of us do not eat seeds on a daily basis, unless it is on a gluten-free bagel. Here are 5 of my favorites:

Chia Seeds originated in South America and was a staple in the diets of Ancient Mayans and Aztecs. The seeds are high in dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. They have a mild nutty flavor and can be eaten raw or used in cooking and baking. Continue reading “Strengthen Your Immune Systems with Seeds”

Gluten Intolerance and Stress

Vikki Petersen, D.C., C.C.N.

Gluten intolerance, be it celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, creates a lot of stress on the body. Through malabsorption, inflammation and a host of other damaging factors, it is no wonder that the stress gland itself would be similarly affected.

The stress glands are designed to help us adapt successfully to life’s stressors and do so in many ways.

Do you find yourself in a situation where you need to move quickly? This gland will increase your heart rate and bring more blood to your muscles with the result of making you faster and stronger. Continue reading “Gluten Intolerance and Stress”

What can we do to heal a leaky gut?

Image: Claudia Pillow, Ph.D.
Claudia Pillow, Ph.D.
Claudia Pillow, Ph.D.

Another wonderful celiac disease health tip from Dr. Claudia Pillow!

In most of my classes I discuss how inflammation is the underlying cause of most chronic and autoimmune disorders. But for many who suffer from diseases such as arthritis, colitis and fibromyalgia, the big question is “What triggers the inflammatory reaction in the body?” Simply, the food we eat.

Food allergies and intolerances have been implicated in a wide range of medical conditions, affecting every part of the body: from mildly uncomfortable indigestion, to embarrassing diarrhea, to severe illnesses Continue reading “What can we do to heal a leaky gut?”

Gluten-free: Eating Out

Restaurant Specials Board

There is no doubt that eating out gluten-free is not an easy task, at least not for those with gluten-intolerance. Dealing with rude waiters /waitresses can ruin a meal in no time. Then when your meal comes and it has some gluten ingredients, sending it back adds fuel to the fire. Many of those with a gluten-intolerance or gluten-sensitivity are plagued with other food allergies and intolerances which multiples the problems.  Below I have listed some things that may help some, especially those new to the diet. Continue reading “Gluten-free: Eating Out”