Sugar-Free Dairy-Free Gluten Free Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Recipe

Image: Gluten Free Oatmeal Raisin Cookies - Dairy-Free and Sugar-Free

With the advent of the new year, I thought you would appreciate a healthier choice for a gluten free cookie recipe. This classic gluten free oatmeal raisin cookie recipe is made with ground oats instead of whole and is sweetened with stevia, dates, and as an option, less or non-refined brown sugar. You may use gluten free oat flour, if desired.  Bon appetite! Continue reading “Sugar-Free Dairy-Free Gluten Free Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Recipe”

Grain-Free Gluten Free Bread with Almond Flour (Gum-Free)

Image: Grain-Free Gluten Free Almond Bread

One of my Facebook followers requested a gluten free paleo bread recipe with almond flour. Neither my husband or I are on a paleo diet, but it sounded wonderful. While many paleo dieters avoid yeast, other do consume it. This recipe is yeast-based. I will make another one in the near future using baking powder and/or baking soda for those who do not consume yeast. Meanwhile, this bread has a soft crust due to the psyllium husk powder, the texture enables you to fold the bread, and is truly delicious. Enjoy! Continue reading “Grain-Free Gluten Free Bread with Almond Flour (Gum-Free)”

Mini Fried Gluten Free Pies: Sweet or Savory (Dairy-Free)

Image: Mini Fried Gluten Free Pies

When you just cannot deal with rolling a double gluten free pie crust, these mini fried gluten free pies are ideal. However, unlike pie crust, they are crunchy. You may fill them with sweet or savory fillings. For my test recipe I just used Comstock fruit pie filling. Both Comstock and Wilderness brands are gluten free. These little gems are similar to empanadas (Spanish pies), but instead of baking them, you fry them. When empanadas are made in smaller sizes to serve as appetizers, such as these, they are named tapas. You may wish to check out my savory gluten free empanada filling (the crust on that recipe is a traditional gluten free pie crust), or my homemade sauteed apples for a healthier filling, if you’re not a quick open-a-can type of person. Continue reading “Mini Fried Gluten Free Pies: Sweet or Savory (Dairy-Free)”

Gluten Free Potato Leek Soup

Image: Gluten Free Potato Leek Soup

My 99 year old father is visiting with us for a couple of weeks and he eats plenty of soft foods. Cream soups are his favorite. He’s grows tired of the same soups. Though he still enjoys my Creamy Broccoli Soup and Creamy Cauliflower Soup, I thought I would make him something new. This Gluten Free Potato Leek Soup his one of his new faves as he really enjoy leeks over onions, as do I. I hope you enjoy this recipe as well. Continue reading “Gluten Free Potato Leek Soup”

Gluten Free Yule Log

Image: Gluten Free Yule Log

This gluten free yule log recipe, also known as a roulade, is a slight variation of my Flourless Gluten Free Chocolate Roll Cake Roulade Recipe except this one is not coated in chocolate. If you use white frosting as a filling, it is sweet enough on its own. However, you can certainly use whipped cream, if desired. If using whipped cream, be sure to see the tips below to create it with more structure for it to roll nicely. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this recipe. Happy holidays! Continue reading “Gluten Free Yule Log”

Gluten Free Fish Batter for Fish & Chips

Image: Fish Fried in Gluten Free Fish Batter

This gluten free fish batter recipe from Donna Washburn and Heather Butt’s Easy Everyday Gluten-Free Cooking cookbook is my favorite recipe out of the three that their publishers, Robert Rose recently contributed to this blog. It creates a super light and crisp batter anyone would enjoy, gluten free or not. In addition, it happens to be dairy-free, as well. Be sure to check out their other two recipes, Gluten Free Mediterranean Focaccia and Gluten Free Blueberry Peach Crisp. Meanwhile, stay tuned in Saturday for a chance to win a copy of Easy Everyday Gluten-Free Cooking and my review. Continue reading “Gluten Free Fish Batter for Fish & Chips”

Gluten Free Raw Pumpkin Cheesecake Recipe

Image: Gluten Free Raw Pumpkin Cheesecake

Douglas McNish makes a mean Raw Vegan Gluten Free Cheesecake. I started with his recipe and by the time I was finished, it developed into this lovely raw pumpkin cheesecake recipe. You will need a high speed blender to make this. There is no getting around it. If you are not fortunate enough to own one, note that there are lower cost alternatives to the VitaMix brand. Meanwhile, raw pumpkin cheesecake is topped with raw caramel sauce, whipped nut cream, and cocoa nibs. I’ve included all of the recipes including how to make raw vanilla extract “liquid”. Enjoy! Continue reading “Gluten Free Raw Pumpkin Cheesecake Recipe”

Gluten Free Smoky Venison Stew Recipe

Image: Gluten Free Venison Stew

With deer hunting coming to an end, at least in California, I thought I would share this amazing gluten free smoky venison stew recipe with you. I never used to eat venison until I developed this recipe. I created it in honor of Wright’s Liquid Smoke’s upcoming venison easy to enter contest where they will reveal three additional smoky venison recipes and giveaway a huge gift certificate. (Stay tuned in for details next week.) Because venison can be taste gamy, searing the meat covers the gamy flavor, as does smoked paprika and liquid smoke. If you happen to have some venison in your freezer (deer hunters often give some away), I hope you enjoy this recipe. (Wright’s Liquid Smoke is gluten-free.) Continue reading “Gluten Free Smoky Venison Stew Recipe”