Are Cake Mate & Betty Crocker Decorating Products Gluten Free?

Once you find some wonderful Gluten Free Recipes, you may wish to decorate some of them. Cakes, cupcakes, donuts, and cookies, look more celebratory and inviting with a little color. It is fairly easy to read a label to determine whether or not a decorating product for cakes and cookies contain gluten. However, if you are super-sensitive to gluten you probably wish to avoid any form of cross contact with glutenous products made in the same manufacturing facility.

Gluten Free Cake with Decorations

Wanting to know whether or not Cake Mate decorating products were gluten free, I contacted Signature Brands. I inquired about a specific product, asking them, “Is Cake Mate Confetti gluten free?”

They replied,


Thank you for your inquiry, MOST of our Cake Mate & Betty Crocker decorating products are peanut/tree nut and gluten free.  We recommend that you always read your labels as products do change and new products are introduced into our product line.  When reading our labels you can feel confident that all contained ingredients are listed on the ingredients label and We label “Made on equipment that also processes peanuts, tree nuts, milk & wheat” on any of our products that are processed on shared equipment. If you do not see peanuts or the specific tree nut listed in the ingredients or labeled for cross contamination you should feel confident that you have a peanut/tree nut free product.

Yes, there are nuts in our facility but, they are packaged and produced in an allergen safe room located on opposite ends of the factory, and many precautions are made to prevent any cross contamination of our product.

Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us again.

Kind regards,

Signature Brands, LLC

Consumer Affairs Specialist

This communication was received from Signature Brands on December 10, 2015.

My hat goes off to Signature Brands, as they responded to my question in less than 24 hours.

Do you know of a brand of baking decorations that are made in a gluten-free facility or are tested for gluten content? If so, inform us all in the below comment box.

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