There is a YouTube video on how to make raw banana ice cream with a juicer. You just remove the skin from bananas; freeze the bananas, whole; remove the filter or screen from your juicer; feed them through and voila! – You have soft serve banana ice cream. However, what does one do if they do not have a juicer? You can even make ice cream without an ice cream maker and both without a juicer. This recipe is gluten-free, vegan, raw, refined sugar-free and sugar-free, as it is naturally sweetened. Enjoy this healthy treat!
A sugar-free, raw banana ice cream recipe using just your blender or blender and ice cream maker. Just delicious!
- 5 ripe bananas (ripe is a must)
- 1 cup milk alternative such as gluten free Raw Almond Milk (thicker milks are best)
- Peel bananas; slice them into little 1/4 inch thick circular discs.
- Line a baking dish with parchment paper (or wax paper).
- Layer slices, not touching each other; lay another piece of paper down and continue to layer each one with banana slices.
- Freeze for about 2 or more hours until frozen hard.
- Fill blender with banana slices add about 1 cup of milk and blend until smooth.
- Use a wooden spoon to push the bananas down if it does not mix properly. Just be sure you do not push it far down where the blade may chip off the wooden spoon and damage the blender.
- Serve as a soft serve ice cream by spooning some into a bowl and top with your favorite topping; or freeze in your freezer for at least a couple of hours and defrost for about 15 minutes or so before scooping into bowls.
- Just add unfrozen bananas (quartered) and milk into a blender or food processor until creamy and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Ensure the milk you use is additive-free if you are on an additive-free diet. Add extra milk and make a milkshake! Ensure the milk you use is low in sodium if on a low-sodium diet.
Faecbook Comments:
” I make this several times a week- we can eat nuts so I add a few tablespoons of peanut flour… My husband says ” Better than Hagen Dazs ” :)”
~ R.G.B.
“I made this tonight! I added a splash of vanilla extract and some cocoa powder. I used 3 bananas. HUGE hit even with my picky 4yo! Thanks!! Will most def make it again.”