Gluten-Free Allergen-Free Chicken Korma (Low-Histamine)

I have a traditional Gluten Free Chicken Korma recipe already. However, this newest recipe below was created to be not only allergen-free but also low-histamine. Read further to learn more about the low-histamine diet and get this delicious recipe for Gluten Free Allergen Free Chicken Korma.

While inflammation is high in the body such as when you have itching, hives, or mass cell activation attacks, which may include digestive symptoms, a low-histamine diet can help. This gluten-free allergen-free chicken korma recipe is low-histamine. That means it is not made with cream and many of the high-histamine spices such as cinnamon. This recipe for allergen-free chicken korma is one of the few recipes that contains plenty of flavor using low-histamine ingredients. Plus, your body may benefit from the turmeric, which helps fight inflammation.

People with Mass Cell Activation or histamine intolerance cannot consume premade food from a can, carton, or most packaged or boxed food. Therefore, no commercially made chicken broth is ever used. Instead, vegetables are added to create a homemade chicken broth flavor.

Gluten-Free Allergen-Free Chicken Korma (Low-Histamine)

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 31 minutes

Total Time: 46 minutes

Yield: Makes 4 - 5 servings

Gluten-Free Allergen-Free Chicken Korma (Low-Histamine)

A flavorful gluten-free allergen-free chicken korma recipe without wheat, gluten, nuts, egg, egg, fish, seafood, coconut, soy, dairy, corn, potato, sugar, nightshades, vinegar, cinnamon, gum, and more. This recipe is also low-histamine.


  • 2 teaspoons neutral-flavored oil (sunflower)
  • 1 pound chicken breast, cut up into bite-size pieces
  • 1-1/4 cups celery finely chopped
  • 1-1/4 cups finely chopped yellow onion
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • 1 tablespoon ground turmeric
  • 2 x 1-inch piece fresh ginger*, grated
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons minced fresh oregano
  • 2-1/2 cups water
  • 1/4 cup brown rice flour
  • 1 - 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup (or sweetener of choice)
  • 25 to 30 drops gluten-free alcohol-free vanilla stevia (optional)
  • Salt
  • Black pepper (if you are tolerant and not nightshade-free)


  1. Preheat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the oil and swirl around the skillet. Add the chicken and fry, stirring frequently, until golden brown, about 8 minutes.
  2. Add the celery and onion; saute until tender, about 7 minutes.
  3. Pour in about 2 more tablespoons of oil and allow to heat up. Add the garlic, turmeric, ginger, oregan. Stir frequently until fragrant, 1 - 2 minutes.
  4. Add the water and simmer for at least 10 minutes.
  5. Sprinkle the rice flour over the top, stir, and cook for about 5 minutes or until thickened and the flour softens and absorbs enough liquid. Add additional water as needed. It tends to thicken the longer it rests.
  6. Stir in the maple syrup and vanilla.
  7. Season with salt (and pepper, if tolerant). Serve over the rice of choice with a green vegetable or chopped salad.

8 Replies to “Gluten-Free Allergen-Free Chicken Korma (Low-Histamine)”

  1. Yellow onions were histamine liberators, only sweet white onions are low histamine. Coconut and nigella seeds are low histamine and not an issue (no reason to use oregano unless it is something gluten related?). Not only does Fig app and the Swiss group both agree with what I wrote I have coconut milk daily with no issue, white onions are ok, yellow onions are a huge issue (better is fresh white onion shoots/scallions. I also can handle small amounts of fresh garlic shoots fresh as part of a larger dish occasionally). Also useful, fresh mustard microgreens. (Home grown not store bought). Nigella seeds are anti-histamine and actually recommended for this as a histamine blocker.

    It is lovely you are making low histamine recipes but please please use the SIGHI food list or FIG APP to check ingredients. (There is also no reason not to use Basmati rice, it is low histamine and a low histamine diet staple).

    It is easy for me to tell when I am having a reaction (it is genetic and multi generational in my family so if it produced a reaction I would not be the only family member affected) and stick to the same foods and only introduce new ones on their own. If anyone is having an issue with nigella seeds, or basmati rice it’s an issue that is unrelated to histsmine or other biogene amines.

    1. Shari,

      Sorry about that! You can add vanilla and maple syrup right before seasoning it with pepper. I try to list ingredients in the order that you use them.


  2. Just trying this recipe. When do you add the turmeric? and the maple syrup? And if using dried oregano,when to add that? Thanks!

    1. Judy,

      Sorry about that! Add the turmeric when you add the Add the turmeric when you add the garlic and ginger. If this ever happens, just look at the order of the ingredients and you’ll know when to add it.

      Add dried oregano when you would add fresh.


  3. Hi Carla,

    Thank you for this recipe.
    I cannot tolerate brown rice or any grains whatsoever (likely due to the lectin content). What can I substitute for the brown rice flour in this recipe please? Any ideas? I thought perhaps coconut flour? Thank you!


    1. Karla,

      Sorry to hear about your grain intolerance. Coconut flour absorbs tons of liquid. Use arrowroot flour instead. Potato flour or potato starch are second choices.


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